Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thoughts...Experimenting With Symbology

Just fooling around this morning and I found myself sketching an Asian monk of sorts. I wondered as to who this fellow might be and thoughts turned toward Buddha. Now, I am not a Buddhist, but I do have an interest in the mythologies and philosophies of the many civilizations and cultures of the world.

I figured I'd think of a few symbols to incorporate that would add to the overall Buddhist feel. I incorporated the Great Wheel, which is repeated several times over the fellows robe. In regards to the robe, I went for a sort of "Void except the wheel," look. I then thought of Buddha's eyes, watching this monk and the monk gazing back.

It was an experiment, it was an exercise. I'll try to keep up to date with daily exercises or perhaps finished work. Thanks for tuning in.

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