Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Working kills the spirit....creativity is the victim

Having a job to survive in modern, scratch for every penny, America is what makes life a sheer nightmare at times. The full-time, day by day, five wasted days a week schedule takes away from so much potential creative time. I complain endlessly about this, but my inherent procrastination justifies the fact that I never have any actual "Creative Time," and maybe the fact that I don't deserve any.

Well, every free moment I can pan from the murky river of the day is like a fortune regardless of how tiny the take. I sketch all over work documents, not necessarily as a statement, though it works well to illustrate (no pun intended) the voice screaming for release through the endless call center phone calls of ignorant, misguided, and generally inconsiderate customers. I fill my breaks and lunches up with sketchbook time and study, whether it be through anatomy texts or Will Eisner's tomes on graphic storytelling.

Eventually, through all the wading, enduring, and persevering I will squeeze out something to hopefully be worth a damn to someone. It will take much more time and struggle and true work, but in the end the offspring of my labor and imagination will be that much more greatly adored by myself.

Here, at the end of that emotional declaration for freedom, I give you the newest sketches. No fear, soon I shall have an actual finished piece to display. Thanks for reading.

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